
static site generator

Jekyll is blah blah blah

The Easy Way

Two methods to quickly get started with Jekyll through GitHub Pages


What you'll need before starting to build a Jekyll site from scratch.

Structure Overview

A brief summary of the files and folders thag make up a Jekyll site.

Folder Set-up

Creating the folders and files needed for a Jekyll site.

The Configuration File

What is the _config.yml file for and what should it contain

The Homepage

Adding content to the index.html page.

The Default Layout

Adding content to the default.html file.


Adding content to the _includes files.

Blog Posts

Previewing your site

Putting all the elements of your site together.

Adding Style

Adding content to your style.css file.

Publishing to GitHub


Customising your site

Continuing to develop and customise your site

Text Editors

What are text editors and how to chose one