Structure Overview

Most Jekyll sites have a similar structure. Here I explain the elements of a basic Jekyll site. This structure would allow you to create and customise the most common elements of a J


This is the most important file. It contains the information from which the site is built.


This is the main homepage for the site.

other standalone pages

These are similar to the the index.html and are set up for other elements, such as an about.html for an About us page, contact.html for a Contacts page and so on.

Underscore folders

The underscore tells Jekyll to include these in its build. Folders which begin with an underscore can include:

Assets - CSS, JavaScript, Images

This is where the customisation happens. These files can be stored in the main folder, but often kept in an Assets folder. They will include:

All other files are automatically created when the Jekyll site is built. They don’t need to be edited at all and can be ignored.

Tools used
